20 Seconds

12 Feb 2024

“You know, sometimes all you need is twenty seconds of insane courage. Just literally twenty seconds of just embarrassing bravery. And I promise you, something great will come of it.”

Benjamin Mee, We Bought a Zoo

Well, I bought a Radio Station!

And I resigned from church.

Blog over.

Nah, won’t leave it there. With the lovely Community Radio Station ceasing to broadcast on 15th, I couldn’t very well stand by and do nothing, could I?  Hang on a minute, wasn’t this last week’s blog? Well, yes, it was but there have been developments and, like the Gardener letting us join her journey, I’d like you to know how the story is unfolding…

 So, I’ve bought “PurbeckCommunity.Radio” – and am already publishing some pre-recorded shows. Next to try a live broadcast with my existing kit.

There are two groups of volunteers rallying to keep a Community Radio Station going in Swanage (as in the Martini Man of last week).  Who will pick my team? My plan is to continue serving the schools – so I think that’s a major advantage – and I’m not controlling even if I will be in control.

“So what?” you may well say! My ‘so what’ is that the Community Radio Station reminds me of Moodscope’s own Community – you and me. What a Community Radio Station does best is to give people in the Community a voice and a platform to share that voice from. So does Moodscope.

Thus, I’d like to say, “Thank You!” to Caroline and Adrian and Jon for founding, building, and very importantly maintaining a safe-place for us all to grow and flourish.

Now… if YOU had twenty seconds of insane courage. Just literally twenty seconds of just embarrassing bravery, what would you do…?


A Moodscope member

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