21st century chores

19 Mar 2024

I count us fortunate to live in the 21st century possessing machines that take away the burden of chores. We take for granted machines such as electric kettles, washing machines, dishwashers, microwaves, fridge freezers, air-fryers, cordless hoovers, steam cleaners, etc. that free us. They free us from the daily household chores that would have taken many hours in the 20th century. The biggest machine we have to add to the list is of course the car. 

The machines afford us time to pursue entertainments, hobbies, etc. 

Somehow other ‘chores’ have sneaked into our lives and eating away at our free time. 

We deal with automatic answer machines with its immutable muzak as we wait interspersed with 

“you are 94th in the queue” 🤣. 


“If you need X press 5, if you need Y press 6, you have come to Z press 8, we will transfer you.”😣 


To be answered by indecipherable accent that makes me feel very guilty for asking them to please repeat repeatedly. 😳 


“You have come to the wrong department, call this number” to find yourself in the queue again with a different muzak 😖


“You can only do this online /by email/by downloading our App or you can find us on Facebook“ 🤯


“We are closed now, we are open 10-4pm Tuesdays and Thursdays. Goodbye!” 🤷🏻‍♀️

I am sure you can add to the list of ‘chores’ and I am interested to hear what they are .


A Moodscope member

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