3 2 1 Change

29 Jul 2018

Are you content with your life at the moment? Given that we are all part of the Moodscope community, I'm hoping not! "Hoping not, Lex?" Yes, I hope we are not content. I hope we are hungry and thirsty for something better. That's what drives humans to excellence.

Of course, we know that depression usually acts as a brake on the journey to transformation, not an accelerator. Perhaps, it tries to protect us? Whatever the reasons, I want change, I'm hungry for change, I'm thirsty for change, I have an appetite for change.

But where to start?

I'm using a business technique taught to me by Paul Avins. It's so simple. You draw a triangle and you put the area you want to focus on in the middle. This needs to be a time-based action or event such as 'shopping'.

Let's suppose you've got yourself to the place where you dread going out to do the shopping. Put 'shopping' in the middle and write these three words on the three sides of the triangle: before, during, afterwards.

Your mission is to come up with ideas and ways to improve your shopping experience by changing or adjusting some of what you do before, during, and afterwards.

'Afterwards' comes easy to me, I might have a treat like having a cup of tea somewhere in town. Or, if funds are too tight for that, a sit by the pond to enjoy the ducks. 'During' - if 'people' are too much for me, I might wear my headphones and listen to some calming or uplifting music – creating a world-within-a-world, a safe-sanctuary, a Lex-bubble. 'Before' - I might go a little crazy and think about getting dressed-up to go shopping! This would make it a special event! Changing clothes changes everything!

What you change will make a difference, but the most important factor is the act of changing something - anything. As soon as we change just one element, everything else is affected. When we change three elements – one from before, one from during, and one from after – surprisingly big positive shifts can occur.

1, 2, 3, change!


A Moodscope member.

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