A change is gonna come

21 Sep 2018

All my life I have suffered with depression and anxiety partly due to a dysfunctional childhood with no dad and a mother who drank.

I had no home and was never in one place at any one time I went to numerous schools and ended up with 3 O levels. During my twenties, thirties and forties I worked as a secretary and sought solace in partying and picking the wrong kind of guys. Please do not think I am seeking sympathy I am not.

What I am trying to say is that you can turn your life around.

Through lots of soul searching, counselling and input from a great mental health nurse, I have found my calling in life. I am now a care worker giving crucial care and love to vulnerable elderly residents. I love my job; it is something that makes me feel so good by doing something that gives me satisfaction.

I have conquered my demons and at last, after many years of suffering, I am finally at peace with myself. Life can change for the better so all of you out there remember Sam Cooke 'A change is gonna come' :https://g.co/kgs/qKAPPD

Miss Happy

A Moodscope member.

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