A feeling of calm.

3 Oct 2014

My mind is calm right now. Like a gentle stream. This feeling is good.

I refuse negative thoughts, my stream finds the path of least resistance.

I was asked, if I was given the opportunity to be somewhere else right now, where would I like to be, I said right here.

I only want what I am able to have. I am grateful for what I have.

People who want more and more only ever want more and more.

These thoughts are not absolute. They are gently drifting through my mind.

I will allow free flow, not get stuck with repetitive harmful patterns of thought that build up and block my stream.

When blocked the stream builds up and there is a danger of flooding!

As with a flood, the mind will need a lot of clearing up.

Let's stay with gentle free flow.


A moodscope member.

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