A good day…

3 Feb 2024

From the heart, feet, mind and other parts.

There are days when little happens, others where there is more activity and also days that are filled with interest. Recently I experienced one of the latter:

It was a very cold January morning and I am still struggling with this virus. Feeling fatigued with no prospect of any escape outside. 

There is one silver lining. My wife has arranged a visit from a local podiatrist. We do have a regular podiatrist who calls every 6/7 weeks. He has raised his prices twice recently and seems to be getting a little complacent.

Our prospective new Podiatrist calls on time. I will call her Ruth to protect her identity. She seems very friendly and is obviously used to chatting with her clients. Early on I ask if she has been warned about my strange sense of humour. I think she appreciates my attempt at breaking the ice.

Soon the three of us are conversing in a very relaxed manner. We come across a common interest - Mental health! After I had mentioned my mental health problems Ruth said she had some experience with her son a few years ago. 

Whilst continuing to talk Ruth starts examining our feet. To my surprise and pleasure she suggests soaking mine in warm water flavoured with coffee beans. I obviously have a caffeine deficiency as I don’t drink coffee.

Mrs T and I agree the initial meeting was a success and book our next session.

A few hours later in mid afternoon (have you noticed it is always morning or afternoon?) the phone rang. It was my cardio’s secretary. This was a follow up to my call to him a fortnight earlier. We agreed a further consultation in 6 days time. I was relieved as the last time we spoke he seemed a little unsure how to proceed. I was hoping we could make some progress in determining whether my heart was contributing to my continual feelings of fatigue.     

An hour or two later I decided to revisit the Moodscope Blog. The daily Post was Daisy’s about personal creativity and artwork. I skimmed down the replies and came upon Val’s comments. Her reference to certain bodily parts looking like target practice and her suggestion to volunteer as an artist’s role model brought me great amusement. 

So it was with some gratitude that I settled into bed that night. A well known therapy to help mental health is to recall three pleasing events  for the day just ended. I had achieved this:

1.  The first visit from our new podiatrist. 

2.  The welcome medical phone call.

3.  The hilarious blog comments. 

I admit it is not always very easy to find more than one or two gratitude points. However, it is always worth going back over the days events to search for more. Even days that overall are not the best usually contain a few things for which to be grateful.


A Moodscope member

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