A grateful lurker

8 Apr 2023

I gather they are known as ‘lurkers’: members of online communities or Whatsapp or other social media groups whom everyone has forgotten about. Although they don’t contribute, they enjoy and benefit from the others. A lurker doesn’t sound very flattering - like some kind of conger eel showing its nose and waiting to pounce, but I suppose eels can’t help their appearance! This lurker (me) has no ulterior motive, but is merely shy, and for the last few years has been grateful to bask in the warmth of others’ conversation without being required to say anything.

I was first put on to Moodscope 7 years ago when I was signed off work for four months with generalised anxiety disorder. Having managed my moods within acceptable parameters since then, it all got too much again last year and I’m having a repeat.  However, reading the Moodscope blog has been a feature of my morning routines throughout these 7 years.  

Throughout the 7 years, I have been grateful for the Moodscope community and at one point around year 2 I felt well enough to chip in with a few blogs of my own. Now I have a little more time again. My creativity is returning enough to write a blog or two - good sign.

Can I just say that I really appreciate you all? There are some regular contributors in particular (and I admit to having a few favourites!) where I recognise your style. I enjoy having my guess confirmed when I scroll down and reach your name. I feel I know you because of your opening up. I may never meet you, but somehow it doesn’t matter.  I’m just grateful for you. Thank you.


A Moodscope member

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