I recently changed jobs after eight and a half years. I didn't particularly want to leave, I loved my job and my work 'family.' Unfortunately an unfavourable work restructure resulted in me feeling that my best option was to move.
I found it traumatic. I went from being very knowledgable in my field to starting from scratch. I didn't know the London borough I had moved to and I had to meet a whole new set of people, not easy for a shy person at heart.
Three weeks in I felt the panic rising. Sitting at my desk one day I wondered how best to escape. Just as I was about to run out of the door a new colleague came and spoke to me with kindness and interest. It turned out that I used to work with her husband years ago and she had made the link. She saved me from a big panic attack that day. A few weeks later I plucked up the courage to tell her how her kindness had helped me and she cried!
Remember a kind word can make all the difference to someone's day. I hope that you can give or receive a kind word today.
Jane SG
A Moodscope member.
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