A Manifesto for a Life to the Full.

23 Apr 2017

Movement, nutrition, reproduction, excretion, growth, respiration, sensitivity are the seven characteristics of a Living Organism. Using these seven characteristics, you can accelerate your journey towards more of a life of abundance in seven straightforward steps:

1. Make sure you're moving towards a specific and motivating destination. Have a compelling vision of the future that gives you hope and that has milestones that can be measured.

2. Be conscious of the nutritional choices you make. Is your soul-food as good as the decisions you make about eating healthy natural food? Where do you get your energy from? How could you get more energy? Do you have any energy-vampires that need to be excluded from your life? How about any mood-hoovers that you could switch off?

3. What are your unique gifts and talents that would benefit being installed in others? How could you reproduce these skills and abilities in others? What can you teach? Who wants to be taught it?

4. How good are you at dealing with the excretion of set-backs, waste, and disappointment? How could you become more resilient? What did you learn from your last set-back?

5. In which ways are you growing the most? In which areas would you like to grow the most? What's the first physical action step to get you on the path to growth? What stunts your growth?

6. Do you think you have achieved a good balance of give-and-take, of giving-and-receiving? This is respiration in Nature, and an important part of feeling truly alive. You must find a purpose to give yourself too, but you must also find the flow of resources to keep you being able to give.

7/ On a scale of 1-100, how sensitive would you rate yourself as when it comes to understanding yourself? How would you rate your understanding of others?

Improving the momentum of your movement towards what you want, increasing the energy you get into your life though the right 'nutrition', reproducing more of your excellence in your team, family, and community, learning to deal rapidly and effectively with set-backs, growing more sustainably and rapidly, taking your giving and receiving up a level, and becoming more accurately and acutely sensitive to yourself, those around you, and your environment - all these add up to living life more abundantly.


A Moodscope member.

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