A Message from Your Higher Shelf

12 May 2024

You know what it’s like… you’re busy and not paying full attention…

An email pinged its way into my inbox, and announced itself: “A Message from Your Higher Self.” Except, I was too busy to focus and so I read, “A Message from Your Higher Shelf.”  Weird.

Of course, I realised very quickly that I’d misread the message but it was too late, my imagination and my attention was captured.

What do you keep on your higher shelves, out of reach of the humdrum of daily reality? I keep my best stuff ‘up there’.

Thus, I took this as a challenge from my Higher Shelf to revisit what was on the top bookshelf. Your higher shelf may be in your garage. It may be in a cupboard. Mine’s behind my desk – the place where I write this blog.

Lifting my focus and looking up was so exciting. Up there, I’d got books that were meant to be a priority to read next.

There was a book on Introversion – a quiet revolution that really resonates with me – why is the world so noisy?

There was a book on prayer that seemed like a good idea when I bought it. Maybe it works.

There was a serious book on business efficiency and effectiveness… not sure how that made it to the top shelf…  I’m really not motivated to read that, so it has been moved to a lower shelf. Instead I promoted the rather rude, “The Life-Changing Magic of Not Giving a [insert rude word].”

And there was a treasure – a book autographed by my friend who died in Covid. It’s called, “Creating Bedtime Stories for Your Children,” by Ronny M Cole. Since my grandchildren are rapidly rising to the top of my pops, I love this book and its gentle invitation to be creative in a bespoke way just for them.

I had two empty boxes to remind me of treasure I secrete away elsewhere. Both are from my friend I’ve known since the very first day of education at school. One was an acorn he’d carved out of Yew. The other was a perfect wooden ‘Morph’ from ‘Vision On.” Morph has his arms open to the Universe in a spirit of creative enquiry.

Everything here, except the business book, was a deeply significant… and even that was a message from my Higher Shelf in that I realise at 63 that I am no longer motivated by Corporate Success as the World defines it. I find it hollow and empty. That’s a breakthrough.

That’s enough about me. I wonder what messages you can discover and share from your Higher Shelves???

Would you go and look now and report back? Would you please take the time to explain why these items, photographs, books, figurines are so meaningful for you?

This could be an exciting and revealing day for the blog.


A Moodscope member

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