A Mindfulness Morning

17 Aug 2023

I think I may have mentioned before that I am fortunate enough to be a member of a club in a place that started out as a bit of a commune. They have acres of outdoor space, a couple of tennis courts, bar/ restaurant and an outdoor swimming pool, with a smaller pool for youngsters and an unheated paddling pool.

The pools are open from beginning of April to the end of October and I try to swim 3-4 times per week. I do not often use the bar/restaurant facilities and decided this year, that I would occasionally make the effort to stay for coffee after my swim.

This is what I wrote on 2nd August:

I sat at a picnic table on the bar lawn, with a cappuccino and a glass of water. I heard the yaffle of a green woodpecker and saw it land on the grass some distance from me. I thought it must be a juvenile, as I could not discern a flash of red or even the green plumage of an adult bird. In a certain light I could make out the shape of the head and beak, peck pecking happily at insects in the grass.

The sun was warm on my back and I felt contented. I have been going there for about 30 years but rarely sit and look. When nobody else is there it is perfect.

The house sits in a bowl, surrounded by trees on three sides, with a fabulous view across the countryside on the open side.

A buzzard flew over and a flutter of small birds flew up in alarm.

When the phase is right I can see the moon 🌙 riding high above me. Sometimes there are sheep 🐑 in the field below, gently grazing and calling to one another, or cattle 🐄 munching their way slowly across the green landscape before me.

Just above the bar lawn there is a magnificent willow and the branches were swaying and rustling in the breeze. I took a walk among the flower borders, not manicured, just random shrubs and flowers. There I caught sight of a peacock with his marvellous iridescent plumage.

I would not say that I am usually so mindful, but am becoming more so. Last week I certainly looked at the place with a deeper appreciation and am indebted to my OH who generously pays for my membership as a birthday gift every year.

But even without the club, being able to sit in glorious countryside with the sun on my back was a real tonic.

I hope that many Moodscopers will be able to find their little piece of heaven and look at it with new appreciation.

Take care everyone.


Another Sally xx

A Moodscope member

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