A rite of bloggage.

13 Dec 2016

I'm delighted to see more and more people submitting a blog. I think if we connect with even one phrase then it has the power to change our hour, if not our day. To read that another is experiencing your fear, your disappointment, your worry, your sorrow, your pride, your aims, your joy or your achievement, can be pivotal. But what happens to us when we write? When we share deep feelings that we may not even be able to say aloud.

For me, writing is like a little therapy session or a meditation. It organises the thoughts as we must drill into our feelings in order to lay them out. That process can turn situations around. Anger wilts. Worry soothes. Smiles are nailed to the board! As you fumble around searching for how you might describe what you wish to say you can sometimes solve your own problem.

If you submit a blog to Moodscope, it can be a trembly moment when you realise it's out there for the first time. (I might have made up the word trembly. I have decided I can do that as I have no English teacher beside me right now and I have decided to be proud!) You wonder will anyone find it useful? Will anyone comment? Will someone disagree to such a point that you will be hounded from the land? And then, someone comments. Someone says thank you. Someone says they understand. Someone says it helped. Someone says they don't agree, but its ok. It's really ok.

And you realise the world keeps turning. Only now you have a little extra tool in your toolbox. You can write your words as a way of healing yourself and perhaps others too. Even if you only begin with yourself as the writer and the reader, it can be powerful medicine in seeing yourself differently. It can begin a beginning. I began my beginning two years ago and I can honestly say it has made a world of difference in my life. Have you tried it?

Love from

The room above the garage

A Moodscope member.

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