A simple list.

11 Dec 2013

Today's blog follows on from last week's.

A number of you commented on my "Having an Under the Hedge Day" and one of the comments was a request for a simple list of things to do on those bad days.

So here's the list. Adjust it as you please because your best list may be different from mine.

1 The important thing is not to think. Just do the next thing on the list.

2 Sit up in bed. Drink a large glass of water. (Put it ready the night before).

3 Get out of bed. Go to the loo. Shower. If you can't shower at least have an all-over wash. Scrub briskly so your skin tingles. Shave (if appropriate). Moisturise (chaps too, ideally but I won't insist on that one).

4 Get dressed in proper clothes. Even shoes.

5 Put on makeup. If you can't bear that thought – at least a dash of lipstick. (Chaps excused this one).

6 Make a hot drink and drink it.

7 Eat something. Preferably protein, not just carbohydrates. A scrambled egg takes just 40 seconds in the microwave. Sliced cheese and ham is pretty easy.

8 Turn on the PC. Do your Moodscope score. It is what it is: don't judge it or yourself.

9 Unlock the door. Go outside. Take five deep breaths of fresh air. If you have the time, take a brisk 20 minute walk. Ten minutes will do. Don't think – just walk.

10 The rest of the day, just take fifteen minutes at a time. Use a kitchen timer if it helps. Do a task for fifteen, rest for fifteen. Do something else for another fifteen. Try to have tasks where you can see a result. Be easy on yourself. Drink lots of water.

11 If it helps you, play upbeat music. My favourite is Mendelsohn or Carol Emerald. Nothing aggressive, just happy.

If you manage all these it's a major triumph! Fabulously well done! Remember – just because the rest of the world can't see the depths of invisible treacle we walk through, the clouds of darkness that menace and oppress us unceasingly, doesn't mean they're not there. Just surviving another day is an achievement. Let's hope tomorrow is better.

Thoughts on the above? Please feel free to post a comment below.

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