A strange world

3 Aug 2020

It’s now countless days since the lockdown... 4... 5 months? I lose count! This world seems very strange to me, not saying that it wasn’t strange or challenging to navigate before but it now seems unrecognisable!

Wearing a mask whenever you go out shopping, that anxiety and worry about an invisible killer, working from home throughout which has its own frustrations! Seeing some people thriving, or so it seems, and wondering why mine doesn’t seem to be the way I want it to be.

People might see me as pessimistic, but I’m mainly a realist with a touch of optimism (yes I can be optimistic!) Situations, life in general gets me down and why wouldn’t it? It’s not exactly great all over is it? So is it not normal to feel depressed? Maybe it’s the way I look at things, I’m more in peace in sadness..sounds strange, but it feels real! Happiness? Laughter? Can’t remember the last time I was either... sad but true.

Maybe the key is to embrace the darkness in order to see the light!

Let’s see...


A Moodscope member.

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