A thank you, an update and a request

25 Apr 2022

We would really like to thank all the members that upgraded or contributed following our recent plea for help! We had a great response and raised over £4.5k in contributions which will keep us afloat for the foreseeable future. Thank you all so much.


We also received some very kind offers of advice and help with various aspects of the site and this got us thinking… we don’t really have the manpower to do Moodscope justice and maybe we do need some help. Knowing what a valuable resource it is for so many people, it could really take off with a little help and who better to help us than those that understand and use Moodscope. 


So, we thought it would be worth asking our members if you have any skills/contacts/ideas, advice that may help Moodscope become even better.


Our most urgent requirement is for help with the programming and design. If you know of any agencies that do pro bono work for social enterprises or a programmer/s that would be able to help in return for shares perhaps please let us know.


Other areas we would appreciate help in is PR, social media, sponsorship/partnerships and ideas for promoting Moodscope.


So, we have a new brand and overall branding guidelines and new copy and ideas for an exciting new web site which is a move in the right direction. We just now need to get it all implemented!


We’d really love to hear from you. If you’d like to help, please email us at support@moodscope.com. If you’d like to talk to us, please include your phone number in your message.


Once again, thank you for all your support.


Kind regards.


Caroline and Adrian

The Moodscope Team

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