A Way To Freedom

6 Oct 2018

Sharing our past stories with each other helps us to be reconciled to difficult events in our lives. Having once made sense of these we can attain a level of freedom to live in the now.

This idea was inspired by Richard Wagamese [14 October 1955-10 March 2017] who was an Ojibwa Indian from Canada. This also encapsulates for me what happens on the Moodscope blogs and comments that we share with one another. Sharing my difficult experiences and emotions has helped me a great deal especially as I have been frequently supported by fellow Moodscope members.

I have frequently yearned for the inner freedom to be. Life can be very difficult and demanding sometimes. Writing about them on Moodscope or sharing other members' experiences by comments can be a liberating experience. There isn't a need to continue to be uptight or wound up about challenging or unpleasant experiences. As we share freely and receive the support we need we are empowered to grow and live.

Another thing that promotes my freedom is being forgiven. At the end of last week, I saw someone who I may have hurt dreadfully in Mid-May. I apologised for being so crass and asked for the person's forgiveness. Her response was that she didn't remember the episode and to forget about it. I felt as though a huge boulder had rolled off my shoulders and a huge sense of relief came over me. Having been forgiven I also should forgive someone who has offended me. But I find it very difficult to forgive someone who has hurt one of my children. It takes a long time for me to accept my need to let the issue drop. Has anyone else had this experience.

I think of Moodscope as a hub to which I come daily to be nourished, stimulated, encouraged and re-invigorated. I joined just under four years ago to see what it was like so that I could recommend this site to others. I have found it to be extremely beneficial. Thank you Moodscope for being there for me, for your encouragement and thought-provoking blogs and comments.


A Moodscope member.

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