A winter picnic.

31 Jan 2014

There are many things I love about Winter and yet still, there is no doubt, my mood can, and does, slump this time of year.

I wonder if we all pooled the stuff that puts a bit of Wonder back into Winter, could it help make the remaining weeks of this challenging season a tad more bearable? And for those of you who live in warmer climes, maybe you could indulge us a little, just this once, perhaps even adding the wintery delights that you feel nostalgic for?

I'll kick start us off...

1) Winter Picnics. My lovely friend Lin is an absolute master Winter Picnicker. She was all bright eyes and smiles yesterday as she told me of her most recent winter foray with her Grandson. Lin has a congregation of flasks of all shapes and sizes for all wintery courses, both sweet and savoury. One will contain homemade soup, another sausages and beans and yet another, Hot Chocolate Abyss with marshmallows. Then there will be homemade sausage rolls and potato skins wrapped in foil and tea towels sitting atop a hot water bottle, just to be sure they keep toasty. She even manages to conjure up warm plates and proper cutlery. None of the paper/plastic sort for Lin, nope.

I never forget a picnic with Lin, even if it's just a snack. They are magic in a thermal bag. And even if we stray no further than the local coast line and remain in the car, it's always a fail safe way of boosting our mood. Could you enjoy a Wintery Picnic Adventure?

2) Instead of seeing hats, gloves, scarves or tights as necessary evils, why not look dapper with different colours and styles? I have an ever growing collection of berets in a rainbow of colours and when the weather starts to warm, I always feel a pang of disappointment as I pack them away. But I know I'll feel excitement come next October/November, when it's time to don their nattiness once more.

Yes, the joys and delights of Spring will come on time but what can help in the meantime?


A Moodscope user.

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