Accepting we are who we are.

1 Sep 2015

I'm not a massive Bob Marley fan but was listening to David Rodigan's radio show when driving home tonight and he played "Three Little Birds"...

I have had a couple of days off work this week and have enjoyed the freedom to lie in, to read, to see friends for a coffee. I have also had time, free from my normally ridiculous schedule, to reflect.

I have realised that I have come along way... two years ago I was in psychiatric hospital, completely bewildered as to how I had sunk so low and wondering what the hell was going to happen. That low was followed by nine fraught months as I negotiated the end of a very unhappy marriage, a new job, moving house and trying to ensure our two children were ok.

Now I am decorating my living room, in my lovely little house and have realised that I am happy. Now that's not to pretend that life is all roses... it's taken me over twenty years to accept that I have quite a serious mental health condition and some would call me bi-polar, although I'm not sure that's how I would describe it.

But what I have realised despite all my fears, self-doubt and sometimes self-hatred I am loveable, I have some fantastic friends and I have even rediscovered a sense of humour.

So if your day is not starting well or you are feeling a bit black and blue, whatever you are feeling, like Bob sung "Everything's gonna be alright"... stick with it.

Brum Mum

A Moodscope member.

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