Activating Agents part 2.

13 Sep 2013

I open the fridge door. I see an opened pack of milk chocolate. The instant my eyes detect it my emotional circuits react at lightening speed. Flashbacks of previous pleasure return producing warm excited emotions that fill me with desire. In seconds I eat the bar. My request is granted. It is down the hatch before I can say the words 'chocolate has many calories'. The bar stood no chance of survival.

Are my emotions then not a rapid response mechanism to activating agents or triggers?

Triggers may be even be internal I guess, arising in our minds, but they are easier to see and understand with external things, like a song, a place, a colour, a shape, a taste, a sight of food or drink. I see it, want it, eat it and it's over and all in a heartbeat or two.

Thinking, well, it's maybe overrated. There was no thinking involved, at least not of the slow, steady, reflective sort. Sure, I can be mindful. I can see the chocolate in the fridge door, observe the warm fuzzy feelings, acknowledge them, allow them to pass away while I simultaneously review all the disadvantages to eating the chocolate.

Sadly, I'm not yet that enlightened. So, my road to success might have to begin with removing or staying away from my activating agents. When I attain enlightenment I will manage to resist temptation and overcome my urges with wisdom. There may be a part 3.

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