Advice from a Philosopher

26 Sep 2022

Have you heard of Alain be Botton? He may be the nearest thing the world of philosophy has to a rock star. You can find a lot of videos of his talks on YouTube; they are hard to classify, they certainly aren’t “self-help videos” but I’ve found them both entertaining and helpful.


One I particularly like is called “Why You Will Marry the Wrong Person”. You can find it at:


Beneath the flippancy. there’s a lot of wisdom in here, about perfectionism, lack of self-knowledge, anxiety and human relationships. And  never thought I’d find myself laughing out loud at a philosopher quoting Kierkegaard, but at the end of this talk, I did.


If you liked this video, you might like to try “Alain de Botton on Love” as well. It’s at:



Oldie but Goldie

A Moodscope member.

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