Affirmations A-Z.

14 Sep 2014

If "I love you" are the three most important words in the Universe, "I Am..." are the two most important words for getting my attention.

What happens next will often define a person and dictate their future.

"Surely not!" you declare!

"Surely so!" I declare back at yah!!

You see, our brains just can't cope with everything that matters 'out there' so they have to make editorial decisions about what to leave out.

Psychologists call it 'deletion', 'distortion' and 'generalisation' – the ways we simplify our reality.

Well, your inner editor needs a style-guide, and that, my dear friends, is what comes after your 'I Am...' statements.

So, if you decree, "I am crap at maths!" Your brain, your faithful servant, will diligently edit all your experience to verify that it is indeed true that you are crap at maths!

I'm not a fan of my inner critic but this is one area where it can help – to put a watch on my mouth to make sure I release only positive 'I Am...' declarations on my own record label!

Of course, it is much better for you to choose your own declarations and affirmations, but if you're strapped for time, here are some of my favourite A to Z of Affirmations.

Use them as a catalyst but remember, "You can go your own way..."

I am artistic and articulate

I am bold and I am beautiful

I am creative and courageous

I am dynamic and diligent

I am enthusiastic and engaging

I am fun to be around and I am faithful

I am good and I am gentle

I am happy and I am hopeful

I am imaginative and intuitive

I am joyful and non-judgmental

I am kind, and I am Kami waza (dare you to look that one up!)

I am loving and I am loyal

I am me… that's all I need to be to be free

I am natural – always true to myself, I am noble

I am open-minded and I am open-hearted

I am peaceful & a peacemaker, I am patient

I am quiet, I am quick to forgive

I am reflective, I am radiant

I am sensitive to the needs of others, I am sexy

I am trusting and I am trustworthy

I am unique and I am unusual

I am vivacious, I am vibrant

I am worthy, I am wealthy, I am welcoming

I am X-marks-the-spot – a treasure sometimes hidden

I am youthful and young-at-heart

I am zealous and I am zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz... asleep!

To say my partner laughed when I shared these with her, would be an understatement.

I had to explain that these were predictions of my future, not scientific descriptions of my present!

Honestly, some people!


A Moodscope member.

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