Affirming Good Character

16 Oct 2023

Returning to that poem on ‘Love’ – much favoured by Wedding Planners, I was struck by how eloquent an answer it offers to a personal quest.  “What do I want to be known for?” is a tough question for some to answer – yet it is simpler than working out the biggest question: what is our Life Purpose?

What do you want others to think and say about you?

Seasons change, and so many friends are in a season of suffering, sorrow, and sadness that my heart turns to ponder meaning and purpose and character as I seek certainty and comfort.

Thus, I have taken the liberty of re-writing this famous passage, that many of you will recognise, as a set of affirmations of the kind of good character that would lead to excellent mental health and a reputation of someone who is much loved by all who they meet.  It is something wonderful to aspire to – and something to help us make wise decisions in each moment where we have a choice to explore a better way or merely react as we always have done.  May these affirmations become habits of character for those with whom they resonate…

If you feel able, say them out loud to yourself and about your best self…

“I am patient,

I am kind.

I do not envy,

Nor do I boast,

For I am not proud.

I do not dishonour others,

Instead, I choose to show them respect.

I am not self-seeking,

Nor am I easily angered,

And I keep no record of wrongs – relishing the freedom this brings both to myself and others.

I do not delight in evil, cruelty, or unkindness but rather I rejoice with the truth.

I always protect,

I always trust,

I always hope,

I always persevere.”

“When I am consistently true to these characteristics, I never fail.”

And next time I am tempted to choose impatience or unkindness, or to begin slipping down that slope into jealousy and envy… may I (we?) be reminded of our affirmation of good character and remember that we always have a choice.


A Moodscope member

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