After you stumble...

7 Feb 2017

"When you stumble, make it part of the dance." Author unknown.

A few years ago, I was encouraged by friends to enter a Poetry Slam competition. I enjoy public speaking and writing poetry but had never entered a poetry slam. On the night, I discovered that the other contestants all had poetry books published and were experienced at poetry slam competitions. I wanted to run away or hide but had my partner and friends in the audience. I managed to last a few rounds, but as people commented, my performance had nothing to do with poetry! I stumbled in front of friends and strangers and totally ignored it was a poetry competition. I still laugh about it and cringe a bit.

We are humans so we will make errors. Maybe we can learn to accept them as part of our dance.

Don't waste your time and effort trying to hide or cover up your stumbles or your missteps, your hesitation, just laugh if you can and keep moving.

Do you worry that you may be imperfect so this stops you from doing the things you would like to do? Instead, decide to do them, as best as you can even if it is not as perfect as you would envisage. Is it because we focus on being the best dancer, the best writer, the best artists, the best swimmer instead of enjoying the process and laugh at our stumbles that we avoid starting a new challenge.

If you are reluctant to start a dance, a new job, a new hobby, a new idea, a physical or mental challenge because you are afraid you will stumble, why not have a go and be patient with yourself.

If we all make our stumbles part of the dance they will be the dance and we learn to value all our efforts.

What do you do when you stumble? Do you make it part of your dance or do you cope in other ways?

Do you avoid trying new challenges in case you stumble?


A Moodscope member.

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