Like me, I would imagine you have the ‘help’ of technology in your daily life. Sometimes, it's so helpful it’s confusing – my email tries to predict the sentence I’ve just begun. How can it hope to emulate my fuzzy mind when my fuzzy mind is still untangling its own fuzz?! Sometimes technology is very useful. When trying to help my parents, even though we don’t live far apart, it's so great to just be able to send them a link to what they need (a form for example).
And then there is autocorrect!
I have lost count of the number of times I have typed “screenshot” and it has been autocorrected to “screens**t”. Still I laugh. Occasionally, in a hurry, I tut, but mostly I still laugh. Then, this week, I typed “side by side” and my laptop corrected this to “dude by dude”. I nearly never noticed!! And when I did, I laughed much longer and louder than needed. It was magic. It tickled me.
Just for fun, for something light, let’s indulge, what are your favourite accidental moments?
Love from
The room above the garage
A Moodscope member.
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