All Your Life Is A Rehearsal For Today.

15 Oct 2017

It's an interesting aphorism, isn't it? What if all your life has been a rehearsal for this very day?

Isn't this the truth?

All your experience, all your emotions, all your beliefs, all the meaning you've ascribed to all the events that have happened to you, everything you've said, everything you've thought, everything you've felt – all these things will influence the choices you make today.

And those choices will influence today's 'Show'.

So, if today is 'Show Time!' and you've already showed up for it, what's the Show going to be called? What's it going to be about? What kind of genre: comedy, drama, musical, adventure, fantasy...?

And who is going to be in the Show?

Not only have you rehearsed your whole Life for today, you can also exercise creative control.

· You can influence who is in the cast; Who's 'in' and who's 'out'?

· You can influence where the Show takes place;

· You can influence what happens when;

· You can influence the pace of what happens;

· You can influence what part you'll play, what you'll say, and who you'll say it to;

· And you can influence the outcome – the ending – the finale – the result.

I say 'influence' because there are other players who have also been rehearsing for today. They'll have their part to play too, and they'll have their say, but let's not forget who the Star is, shall we?

Time to Shine!


A Moodscope member.

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