The more we learn, the more we discover, the more we explore, the more likely it seems that ‘consciousness’ is an extremely rare phenomenon in the Solar System. It may be that being self-aware is limited to life on Earth. If there is self-aware consciousness in the Milky Way, our Galaxy, there is very little evidence (unless it’s hushed up!)
All this means that you and I are pretty special, unique, and rare. I’m not always grateful for being a conscious being but I do love the fact that we can deliberately direct our consciousness towards things that bring us delight. Thus, today I offer you a partially filled out “A to Z of Conscious Delights” with deliberate gaps so we can all play!
‘A’ is ‘Art’ – a double-win since art is created out of consciousness and it can be consciously appreciated
‘B’ lots of ‘Bs’ but over to thee…
‘Connection’ – that sense of belongingness raised in the blog by Oldie but Goldie on Thursday, 13th March
‘D’ over to you!
‘E’ is ‘Eating’ – what a gift to be able to consciously delight in a delicious dish!
‘F’ is yours!
‘G’ is ‘Gardens’ – yes, I’d rather visit a garden than a nightclub!
‘H’ – what will you choose?
‘I’ is ‘Imagination’ – for many of us, the greatest gift of consciousness – escape, explore, expand…
‘J’ – I hadn’t planned this – tougher one for you, like ‘X’ and ‘Y’ and ‘Z’ – did we save the difficult letters to last in the alphabet?
‘K’ is a posh one! ‘Kinaesthesia’ – awareness of the body’s posture and movement – and, by extension, touch. I adore textures (nice ones), do you?
‘L’ for you.
‘M’ is for ‘Music’ and ‘Music’ and ‘Music’!!!
‘O’ is for ‘Olives’ – unless that’s cheating because I had ‘Eating’ – you are very, very welcome to add to any of the letters I’ve made suggestions for. Today is about deliberate conscious awareness of delights – the A to Z is simply a catalyst.
‘Q’ – Ha, ha, I got ‘Q’ babe! ‘Q’ for ‘Quiz’ works for me – especially crosswords.
‘S’ is for ‘Silence’ – something I love, but also for ‘Sounds’ if I can create them for music. (I know, I’ve got a 24 track mind!) Of course, there are other delightful things beginning with ‘S’!
‘U’ is ‘Unique’ like Leah’s blog on Friday, 14th March. As the thought for the day said, “The most incredible beauty and the most satisfying way of life comes from affirming your own uniqueness,” Jane Fonda
‘W’ is ‘Water’ – streams, rivers, oceans, ponds, showers, water-features, fountains…
‘X’ sorry!
‘Y’ is for the power to say, “Yes!’ Yes to opportunities, yes to love, yes to life.
‘Z’ – couldn’t have planned it better! What can you delight in beginning with Z?
I hope you delighted in this positive priming and I long to see your suggestions.
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