An important list.

20 Jan 2015

1. Take the time you need. Apply liberally to all areas of your life.

2. Have a plan for your day. Every day before you rise. Any plan. Your plan.

3. Have a basic, and rough meal plan for the week.

4. Look at your photographs. We always photograph the good bits.

5. Take the time you need.

6. Find one achievable thing that makes your day good. Now do it every day.

(The above can be anything at all. My own is to do a headstand for up to 5 minutes, EVERY day. The blood flow on your brain is remarkable and I might write about this particular thing, if you can at all bear me. Opening a window, sticking out your head and breathing in and out to the count of 5 is very achievable and will change your perspective.)

7. Sleep in the day if you need it. But never after 2pm.

8. If you can't eat healthily, limit the trash to mornings.

9. Ask yourself "what does this do for me" and apply liberally to all areas of your life.

(This is not as harsh as it sounds. Often we give more than we should.)

10. An oldie and a goodie…if you can't be good, be careful.

11. Forgive. Start with yourself.

Love from

The room above the garage.

A Moodscope member.

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