And without a care in the world

13 Oct 2018

And without a care in the world, there you stood. In the middle of a busy road. In rush hour traffic. Too-fast cars, believing that the see saw of an impatient accelerator/brake is going to move them quicker than the line of metal in front, speeding then shuffling by you with barely a glance.

You held your own, you had the protection of a tiny traffic island. And a pair of summer shorts and a t-shirt. It was a cool Autumnal morning. Not quite able to see breath in air but still crisp enough to require socks and the heady possibility of a scarf with jacket. You stood tall and carefree on your island and threw your head up to the sky and sun.

I realised what you were doing. The sky could not have been more blue. The sun could not have been more resplendent. The trees on your right were flirting with both, like peacocks flashing their finery in time to a beat. And you had decided to plant yourself in the middle of rush hour, in a fairly dangerous place, dressed in very little, to stop, pause, and take a photograph of sky, sun and tree. I decided immediately you are wise fellow indeed.

As I headed onward it gave me a great pile of thoughts to accompany me on my journey. Would you send the photo onward? Would it hit your online social pages? Would it become the lock screen on your phone, popping up in front of your face countless times over the coming days? Would it be shown to someone unable to get out, to give them a taste of the season? Would it ever, maybe, be printed and placed inside an album?

I'll never know the answers. But I know this... your soul sang because of that sky, that sun and that tree and it made my soul sing to witness it.

Take that depression. I have tools you have never even dreamt of.

Love from

The room above the garage

A Moodscope member.

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