
20 Jul 2019

I've come outside into my small suburban garden with my cup of tea. My cat has breakfasted and slipped out with me and we are 'taking the air' before morning chores.

I have the luxury, now, of being retired; that is to say I practice no profession, have no employer imposing on my time; but that being said, I have busyness aplenty and more in seeing to my everyday health and affairs and keeping abreast of all the changes that intrude into my carefully planned continued existence.

The sun is well up; just in shadows, still, the strip of lawn beneath the rambler hedge rose and blackberry briers and honeysuckle that scrabble along the fence between they next door and me.

Other side is in full sun and bees are competing for the deep blue geraniums flowering there.

Cat sits on the old concrete path absorbing the sun's rays. Thinking of what I wonder, or, more likely, just listening; and now with a slight lift of his nose he's caught some scent...

Very faintly I can hear morning traffic on the road out front, but intermittently, and at this early time my attention is, rather, caught more by birds chitter chatter and wind rustling the leaves on trees behind my plot.

AND...? The point?

(I'm still here...)

(and cat sits...)


A Moodscope member.

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