Anecdotally Yours!

31 Jul 2023

Having dipped our toes (not completely successfully) into Artificial Intelligence, let’s return to the AI we all prefer: Anecdotal Intelligence!

Anecdote (according to Google) is a, “short amusing or interesting story about a real incident or person.”  So, let’s get real. I asked Lady Penelope which anecdote leapt to mind and I’d have to say it was a clear case (or not so clear, as the story will transpire) of schadenfreude (again, Google) “pleasure derived by someone from another person's misfortune.”

I am a fan of the brand and products, “Really Useful Box.” My life has been stored in many of their products for decades while I seek a path ahead. However, a path ahead begins with a path ahead. I had purchased five of their BIG ones from a delightful branch of Staples in Poole. I stacked them on top of one another to transfer them to the back of the truck. They are translucent but I couldn’t really see where I was going.

Lady Penelope (aka, “She who is to be kept amused”) was with me. For some reason, she found it fascinating that I was speeding towards the anti-ram-raid bollards strategically positioned at bollard height. She said nothing. Contact was made. Lady Penelope was greatly entertained. She’s laughing now as I read this back to her.

The moral of the story… beats me, but it was funny. Perhaps you can draw something erudite or profound from her sniggering near-silence? If so, do share! Or perhaps this is the time for you, too, to share an amusing anecdote.

Seriously, though, isn’t it good to laugh at ourselves – especially when our wellbeing improves with a good giggle?

(I didn’t want any more children anyway.)

Yours, Anecdotally


A Moodscope member

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