It’s that time of year again! Blue Monday – invented to sell holidays by contrasting the joy of booking a Summer Holiday with the gloom of the most depressing day of the year! Perhaps it all comes down to the associations we make with ‘Blue’… I rather I like blues.
Blue can be calm, it can be posh, it can lower blood pressure and slow heart-rate, and stimulate creativity through open-mindedness and a relaxed atmosphere. And there are distinctions in the shades of blue. Lighter blues are associated with peace, communication, and openness. Darker blues are far more serious – conveying authority and depth. Blue is the colour of oceans and of open skies – it is a colour of Nature and of the Blue Planet and of a vast sense of freedom.
On this Blue Monday, I think we can take the lore into our own hands, can’t we? We can choose to associate meanings with ‘blue’ that uplift us and make this Blue Monday something rather significantly special. So, what do you like that’s blue?
As a child, the light blue of the Blackbird’s discarded eggshell was fascinating. They are joined in their choice of blue eggshells by Dunnocks, Song Thrushes, Starlings, Chaffinches, and Bullfinches. Birds that fly into those gorgeous blue skies of each season bring the blue sky into their own protective eggshells.
I love the blue of birds, not just their eggshells. There is the flash of blue of the Kingfisher, and the plumage of the Jay, and, of course the feathers of the acrobatic Blue Tit. Penny jumped to Bluey! She mentioned the Blue Moon – which also happens to be one of my favourite Wheat Beers. We laughed about, “The Blue Ridge Mountains of Virginia,” from our childhood songs on Top of the Pops! She also remembered, “Little Boy Blue,” asleep under the haystack.
And, frankly, what can compete with the blue of a Cornflower? Or a pair of beautiful blue eyes?
Kindly share what positive associations you have with ‘blue’ and then let’s all have the most beautiful Blue Monday ever…
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