Another world

7 Jan 2021

The past few weeks I have been immersing myself in another world of grand castles, proud nobility, incredible extravagance and people who served them. Yes, I discovered Downton Abbey. There is something when reality is too harsh to immerse yourself in another world and why not a world of jewels, evening gowns and amazing meals served with crystal and silverware.

It was just what I needed to stop my mind over thinking. I think not have to worry, but being able to watch and just be an observer helped me remain calm.

I was wondering how many people use series that show a different world either in a different time, or place, or culture to just escape somewhere else. There may be people who like science fiction or fantasy, or maybe old black and white movies. You may have a go to book or author that helps you live in another world or place.

I wonder what it is about watching a series about people whose lives are so different to one’s own. Is It that while the characters stories may be different to ours there are still themes of being yourself, daring to be different and following one’s dreams.

Of course, some Moodscopers may escape with more literary works, poetry, plays, large books like War and Peace or Ulysses.

Whatever you choose book, movie, a series, television, even a painting it does not matter. So, let me know what you choose when you need a break from the reality of your life.

If you do not can you explain why it does not help you?


A Moodscope member

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