Anxiety as a bed partner

18 Jun 2023

Being bed partners with somebody is, for most of us, a fairly big deal. Whether it’s a short term or a long term arrangement, allowing somebody into the space where we take our rest, our coma sleep and wake with an often crumply face, this is our safe place. It can be a haven, our security, the place where we hide, or the place where we plan and grow from.

For many of us who have low mood, we also suffer anxiety. It comes in varying degrees and in so many different forms. Anxiety adores depression and entwines itself into each fold. It can quickly become its bed partner through everything they each touch.  

Would you invite somebody in to share your bed, your safe place, your haven, if you knew they did not have your best interests at heart?

Now we can’t always choose to drop anxiety at the door, in fact we maybe rarely can. It’s just there, an unwelcome guest. But if we start to view its position in our lives slightly differently we might be able to shift its angle. 

Every one of us will have a different code to cracking our anxiety. It doesn’t belong with any one of us, it just doesn’t. Think of it as a very unwelcome bed partner and let’s redefine it. It should not be entwined with us and setting rules for us. Let’s get it kicked out the bed. We deserve to feel peaceful. 

Love from 

The room above the garage 

A Moodscope member

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