Are there any positive benefits from depression?

5 Jan 2017

Despite having lived with/survived depression for many many years, I am still not sure about the answer to this question.

But it would be terribly sad wouldn't it if there were none? No benefits whatsoever from all these years of depression.

So I have set myself the task of thinking positively about feeling depressed and to find ways in which my life has not exactly been enriched by it, but has benefitted in some way.

Depression has enabled me to think deeply about life, about my life and the world around me. I notice things, the minutiae of life.

Depression dulls extreme emotion, which can be a good thing in that it sort of protects me from getting too involved emotionally. I still 'feel' but I suppose not being confident of how exactly I feel, I tend to err on the side of caution and reserve judgement in many instances.

Depression gives me time to reflect; it prevents me jumping into a situation that I may find it difficult to get out of.

I suppose I feel a bystander looking on.

I read a lot, novels, and newspapers and am up to date on current affairs. I am quite a serious person most of the time and think rationally.

I make an effort all the time to fit in, be nice to people, make others feel happy and good about themselves.

Now all this might seem gloom in itself and also many might think, well Jul, you don't have to be depressed to have all these 'qualities'. A normal, well balanced, non depressed person might also be like you.

And my answer would be yes, that's right so my conclusion would be well maybe I am not as depressed as I think or feel. Maybe I am normal!

Can you think of any benefits, your mental health issues, bring to you and others?


A Moodscope member.

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