Are you afflicted with endoftermitis? Not heard of it before?

26 Jul 2018

It's afflicting parents and children across the UK who have a few more days of school to go. Its symptoms include fatigue, shortness of temper and a general desire for the craziness to be over. It's similar to Christmas... too many sports days, school fayres and school discos. No-one wants to work anymore so lessons are interspersed with extra curricular activities. Lots of school trips out... karate and yoga have all been included this week.

We have established already that BrumMum should be nicknamed Grumpy Mum. Actually sports day was an hour from a very stressful working week. The very hot and sticky fayre last week was an excuse to eat very sticky but yummy rocky road.

These are challenges that we all face in different ways... recent blogs have covered when to stop (see Ready, Steady, STOP) and when to say no (Just, no).

So although my take is quite specific in context, the message is the same. Many of us have incredibly busy lives which lead or have led to exhaustion. We all need to find ways to stop, take pleasure and relax. The Gardener and I love to prune roses. My third David Austin rose was given as a birthday gift. Dog walking has enabled me to calm down when siblings fight or clients irritate.

We can also indulge in relaxation techniques that are not so helpful... Mary's blog on drinking made me go 'ouch'. Not having real coffee yesterday led to a blinding headache and realization my taste for Lavazza was more an addiction (albeit not that bad).

What is your way of relaxing? What are the good and positive habits you have developed to counter the stresses and strains of everyday life? And privately what are the habits that are not so helpful? The coping mechanisms that don't actually help you cope... liking reaching for the third packet of crisps!!

Wishing you a good morning.


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