If I could use a word to sum up my mood of the last week, it would be 'Hmph'.
I've had a nasty virus and for several days my thoughts have been spinning from 'I feel physically lousy' to 'I resent having to care for my old dad this weekend' (he has dementia) to 'I never have any fun' to 'why me?' Nothing in my life was good, it was all harrumph-making, Eeyore style. I busied my brain having a whole 'it's not fair' conversation with myself and being completely ungrateful. Had I carried on, I'm sure I'd have ended up living in a house made of sticks and eating thistles.
But today I've decided to ring the changes. I'm going to channel Tigger enthusiasm, Owl wisdom, and Pooh optimism. How? you might ask. You may well have heard it before but no matter: by focusing on being grateful.
After all, there is a lot that's perfectly fine with my life. I've a lovely husband who looked after me when I was ill, a pretty home in a groovy city by the sea, and a job that I can do even when I feel rubbish as I'm a self-employed writer. A quick tally reveals that's at least five things (most of those are two-in-ones) I have to be grateful for.
But enough about me and Eeyore. I want to know what you have to be grateful for. Five things. List them, and moreover, don't just keep them to yourself, share them on our blog by commenting. I'd love to hear. Even if you don't normally comment on daily Moodscope emails, this time, do it! I think by putting the things you are grateful for out there, it'll make you more appreciative. I hope so.
And if there are a few less Eeyores about today, that's got to be good for everyone.
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