Are You Into Shelf-Development?

11 Jun 2017


"Osmosis," is the word for me! Somehow, I imagine that being in the proximity of books will enable their wisdom to transfer across the semi-permeable membrane of my brain so that I can become smarter without physically reading them!


Now, of course I know that's ridiculous but the truth is I'd still rather live in a house full of books even if I never get round to reading them. I feel good around books. I even post pictures of libraries and bookshelves on Pinterest!

Recently, a couple of good friends, John and Bronwen have mentioned 'Shelf-Development' - and the play on words tickled my imagination (can you hear it giggling?) Most people don't read beyond the first chapter of any self-development book they read, they leave them on the shelf - hence being into 'Shelf-Development'! Those who do read their books, rarely take the action they'll need to to get the same results the author is promoting.

Getting great results is R.A.R.E.

Read + Act + Repeat + Excel

The path to excellence can often begin with reading, and then just listen to the beautiful definition of 'Excel'

"To be exceptionally good at or proficient in an activity or subject"

I've got a gentle and easy challenge for you: take a look at your books - the ones you have promised yourself you're going to get around to reading - and just choose one!

Done that? Excellent!

Now, stage two, if you're up for it, is to just read one chapter today!

That'll move you from Shelf-Development to Self-Development!

My requests are like busses, they come in threes! Stage three is very dear to me and the community of Moodscope Users. Over the years, many of you have shared titles of books that have made a difference to you. I'd like to gather a list of those titles below. Would you share yours?


A Moodscope member.

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