Are You Ready for Battle?

26 Jun 2023

Dorothy Sayers has some fascinating views on the value of World War II. As I understand it, she believes WWII transformed most people’s view of work. Nowadays, many work for profit, for status, and for power. In WWII most had to work for a common purpose.

I’m not naïve enough to believe that there wasn’t jostling for status and influence, and there was certainly scope for developing a power base, but for the majority, it wasn’t a time of financial prosperity – they couldn’t be in it for the money.

So what? The ‘so what’, according to Dorothy, is that many were much, much happier in their work. Having common goals and a common foe helped build community.

Who knows what the situation will be in the World on the day this is published but in spite of Global conflicts, I believe ‘battle’ is a useful metaphor for mental health in general, and Moodscope specifically.

Together, we battle against a common foe… a shared enemy. And, together, we work towards the common good.

I wonder if you’d be prepared today to work with the metaphors of war and battle to bring some encouraging rallying words to our community?

To begin, I naturally turn to Sir Winston Churchill…

“Never in the field of human conflict was so much owed by so many to so few.”  Which may become, “Never in the field of mental suffering was so much owed by so many to so few.”  And, this, in turn leads me to think of ‘the few’ who are and have been great healers of the soul.


A Moodscope member

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