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17 Jan 2014

Anais Nin said: "Life shrinks or expands according to one's courage."

I do like this but how about another version: Life shrinks or expands in proportion to one's questions? And, often receiving the answers to our questions gives us the courage Anais Nin spoke of, or at least, a will to live.

Here are a few things I've learned this past week by throwing out some questions...

One fleece of wool (the wool from one sheep), sells for as little as 60p but it costs 40p to shear one sheep. (I know! I was shocked too.)

Whether your skin is black as black or white as white, the best skin foundation is yellow tone based.

Many loose leaf teas can be spoilt if left to brew for 3 minutes.

Our questions lead us places. (For example, I've since taken a class in dyeing wool and I'd like to learn how to spin it too. I also now wish to attend a tea tasting session.)

They give us interesting conversations, and in turn, make us good conversationalists (because we'll always have a sneaky l'il fact to whip out from up our sleeve). Questions can also be a great way of detracting from ourselves if we're feeling vulnerable. Questions share knowledge and inspire. Questions help us to understand how things and people work.

Where will your questions lead you today? Will they expand or shrink your universe?


A Moodscope User.

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