
1 Jul 2021

I find that while I try not to make assumptions of others, I sometimes do, and I find people make assumptions about me.

Several years ago there was a customer in my shop choosing some paper butterflies, she was taking a long time, so I was starting to get a bit impatient as I thought, how hard it is to choose a few paper butterflies?

As she came to the counter to pay, she explained her granddaughter died recently and she loved butterflies, so she was making a little display of them in her memory.  I felt so ashamed I gave her all the paper butterflies.

Recently I had someone who barely knows me tell me I had an issue with forgetting as I did not remember something he told me, that I really do not think he did tell me. Then I left something behind and suddenly, I am being pitied and patronised. This fed into my lack of self-esteem. He hardly knows me but based on two incidents he decided I need special care and was elderly.

Everyday people may make assumptions based on peoples age, cultural background, height, weight, income, profession etc.

A relative I know who is a tall, big girl is and extremely fit, goes to gym everyday and runs in marathons. She is often judged on her weight not her ability and fitness level by doctors and others.

I know as soon some people know I have bipolar I am judged purely on that and anything I say or do is because of that label. Especially in past relationships, I was often been told that if I disagreed it was because of my condition.

What assumptions have you made of others that you prefer you had not?

What assumptions do people make about you that really annoy you?

How do you try not to make assumptions, is it easy or is it sometimes difficult and you do not realise you are doing it, or do you make assumptions and are ok with that? if so why and when?


A Moodscope member.

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