Autism spectrum

Self care
9 May 2023

Some of you may have seen a recent programme with Chris Packham talking about autism - his own and the experience of others.

It certainly made me think and I feel; I now have more understanding of my eldest child, who was only diagnosed a couple of years ago.

It also helped me to realise that some of my behaviours are linked in ways to some of the symptoms shown.

I have often wondered about my reticence in relating to people in a group and occasional anxiety in crowded places - which I largely avoid now. I dislike noisy environments.

Since the pandemic forced restrictions on social gatherings, I have not found it easy to see people as I would like to, I have become not quite reclusive, but maybe less outgoing than I think I used to be.

I like reading the comments on Moodscope and feel it keeps me in touch with a caring community, so thank you all for that.

The good news is that my OH is off on a đźš´‍♀️ cycling holiday soon, so I have booked to go and visit my brother and SiL for 3 days. It will do me good to spend quality time with family. 

Take care everyone.


Another Sally xx 

A Moodscope member

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