Autumn Days.

25 Sep 2017

Here in Blighty we have not had the best summer. There's been too much rain and here in my part of the world a bin strike which means we literally have bags of rotting rubbishy piling up on the streets...the stench is not pleasant, I can tell you.

But Autumn is my favourite season and I found myself humming the tune to a song I learnt at school in the late 1970s called "Autumn days." The first few lines go as follows:

"Autumn days when the grass is jewelled

And the silk inside a chestnut shell

Jet planes meeting in the air to be refuelled

All these things I love so well"

Does anyone else know it?

I'm not so sure about the jet planes refuelling but I just love Autumn. The last few days have involved getting my wellies out for dog walks as there has been dew on the grass. The conkers and acorns seem particularly large this year and I have enjoyed picking blackberries to have on my morning porridge.

I love crisp, cool Autumn mornings when the sun is out but you need a scarf and gloves and the warm glow you feel as the sun comes out and eventually warms up. I love blackberry and apple crumble and Bonfire night. No doubt some of this is nostalgia from my childhood days long ago but I genuinely love the feeling of coming into a warm house on a Saturday afternoon after a walk or some shopping and enjoying a cup of tea and listening to the football results or expectantly await the new season of 'Strictly Come Dancing".

The Autumn song continues...

"So I mustn't forget,

No I mustn't forget

To say a great big thank you...

I mustn't forget".

Now I have checked it out today on You tube and it doesn't appear to be a particularly religious song....but as I write about Autumn it gives me a warm glow inside. It is indeed as if the cerebral cortex in the brain is smiling with those splendid thoughts!

I guess one aspect of mindfulness is to learn to love the little things, whether it's conkers and Apple pie in Autumn, snow and then the first snowdrops in winter and so I could go on.

What is your favourite season? And what are the things that enable you to rise above the detritus? My negative thoughts are as unwanted as the piles of rubbish in the street outside so I have to find ways of replacing them. What do you take comfort with which makes you feel good inside?

Brum Mum

A Moodscope member.

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