Bacon & eggs 

2 Jan 2022

This time of year can be a bit of a 50/50 split for people. Some of us love the fresh start, a clean page, a new year. Some of us find short, dark, grey days make for a long winter. I flit between the two, and I err on the side of longing to see March. (Personally, it has helped me to see the academic year as the new year, it took a pressure away somehow.) 


What has helped me cope better with straddling the season is to look at life over the entire year, rather than look too closely at where I am now. I try to see winter as nature gives it to us, a time to feel ok about not having much to give, a time to allow the mulch to filter through and sort itself out without having to try hard.   


For some reason, this time of year puts me on edge about all the things undone from the year gone, and I berate myself for not having had this fixed or that cleared out. But, in truth, what is the use in fretting?   


Instead of fretting, I bought myself a brand-new notepad. Just the most basic one you’d ever see. But it has so many fresh, clean pages. And instead of berating myself, I’ll use it to plan.  From the comfort of this room, above the garage, I’ll sip a cuppa and recognise that winter, and the new year, is for allowing the mulch to filter and sort itself out. Oh yeah, it’s also for bacon and eggs. Many times over, an underrated saviour! 


Happy new calendar year to you Moodscopers, may you travel through without drama. 


Love from

The room above the garage

A Moodscope member.

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