Bad spells

20 Sep 2024

We have never met but I am pretty certain we have at least one thing in common. We have both experienced bad spells relating to our mental health.

Recently, I had events that made me very depressed and anxious. After mentally searching for several hours I decided to resort to something that has served me so well in the past. I would write about my bad spells. And this is what I wrote very early the next morning: 

Yesterday I experienced some strange feelings. The first few hours were quite normal. Then, mid morning, my mental state changed. I felt a little dizzy with less attachment to reality and a headache.

I sat down and rested possibly going into a light sleep for a short time. The feelings gradually passed and I was able to resume normal duties, accompanied by a fuzzy headache.

Around 12.30 similar strange feelings came again. I rested again and as before they did pass after a short time. The headache still lingered.

After Sunday lunch I took about 30 minutes out for a rest before playing cards. My mood lowered and by 4pm I felt quite depressed. These feelings were strengthened by my loss of hearing. This loss has been with me for a few days and is making communication difficult with my wife.

Late afternoon I took a long walk to one of my favourite places and this lifted my spirits. In the evening I finished my Moodscope Post and listened to relaxing music. My mood improved. However, it dipped again watching TV as I could not understand the dialogue completely due to my hearing loss.


I am hoping the hearing problem may be resolved tomorrow when I have an appointment with an audiologist. This may help lift my mental moods which have been quite disconcerting.

The “mental turns” have been a regular occurrence and are quite random. They are a nuisance but controllable. I need to take it easy today showing some self-compassion.

I always find that writing about my feelings is very therapeutic. Once completed I feel more in control of my thoughts. Writing is part of my mental health toolbox that I described here on 29 January and 5 February 2022.

I decided to share this experience as it may help you realise you are not alone with strange feelings and that there are mechanisms that may help you manage them.


A Moodscope member

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