Banish the Blues

15 Jan 2024

It’s here, ‘Blue Monday’.

Last Monday we spoke of beating the blues. Can we deliver on my promise of banishing the blues this Monday. Turns out we may be able to… if we sing together!

I’d heard over the course of the week of someone using singing to manage pain. I wondered, therefore, whether there were examples of entrainment through singing.

Here’s what that fascinating AI Engine, ChatGPT, says about “Entrainment through Singing.”

[I begin to quote…]

Entrainment refers to the synchronization of rhythmic activities between two or more interacting elements. While it is commonly associated with the synchronization of physical movements, such as in dance or the coordination of body rhythms, it can also occur through singing. Here are a few examples: 

1. Choir Singing: In a choir, members often synchronize their breathing and vocalisations to create a harmonious and unified sound. The conductor plays a crucial role in guiding the tempo and ensuring that the singers stay in sync.

2. Community Singing: During communal singing events, such as religious gatherings, cultural celebrations, or even sports events, participants often synchronize their singing, creating a sense of unity and shared experience. The rhythmic patterns and melodies can lead to entrainment among the participants.

3. Campfire Sing-Alongs: In informal settings like campfires, people often sing together. The acoustic environment and the natural tendency for individuals to adjust their singing to match the group can lead to entrainment. Participants may naturally align their rhythms and melodies.

4. Folk Music and Traditional Songs: In cultures with a strong oral tradition, singing traditional songs often involves rhythmic entrainment. As these songs are passed down through generations, individuals learn to sing them in a way that aligns with the established patterns.

5. Music Therapy: Singing is sometimes used in music therapy to promote synchronization and connection among group members. Participants may engage in group singing activities to enhance social bonds and emotional well-being.

6. Call-and-Response Singing: In certain musical traditions, call-and-response singing involves a leader (caller) and a group (responders). The call-and-response structure encourages entrainment, as the group responds to the leader in a coordinated manner.

7. A Capella Performances: In a cappella music, where singers perform without instrumental accompaniment, entrainment is crucial for maintaining harmony and timing. Singers must synchronize their voices to create a cohesive and synchronized sound.

These examples demonstrate how singing can facilitate entrainment, whether in formal musical settings, informal group activities, or therapeutic contexts. The shared experience of creating music together often leads to a sense of connection and unity among participants.

[End Quote]

Time to form, “The Moodscope Singers,”?

Here’s a song to make your day and pick up this theme: “Heart and Soul,” by Wolfstone.

And if you’re into nostalgia…

OK, go on then…

Yes, you’ll have to click on the links to unlock the magic…

Q. What songs do you most love to sing along to?


A Moodscope member

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