Be true to yourself.

18 Oct 2013

'Two roads diverged in the middle of my life,

I heard a wise man say

I took the one less travelled by

And that's made the difference, every night and every day.'

Larry Norman (with apologies to Robert Frost)

How many of us find it easier to simply 'fit in' than do what we either want to or feel is right.

If we start doing what does not feel 'right' - doing 'wrong' for ourselves or others starts to become a habit, especially if we are with the same people for these instances of imbalance.

We then know what is expected of us by these other people either at work, play or home, which needless to say puts pressure on us to continue to be 'wrong' knowingly!

All too often we get caught up in saying something that we believe we are expected to say and if it is not us...who do we then become?

It is this 'tension' that starts to create stress which can build into something far greater as we 'lose' who we really are.

One thing you can do - is simply say 'I'll think about that and come back to you' - if you feel you are being drawn into saying something that is not authentic.

Shakespeare said 'To thine own self be true'...if you are not true to yourself - who can you be true to?

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