Becoming a person I don’t like

23 Feb 2024

Before you, my dear Moodscopers, start thinking that I am drowning in self-pity, read on.

In the last few years, I have found myself jumping to conclusions, becoming very irritable and impatient at times, not having empathy and compassion where I used to and all together, I feel I am becoming a person I don’t like.

I am not depressed. I think many of us have an image of ourself as being kind, wise, patient and fill in the positive adjective, when in fact, I find I get irritable when listening to loud noises, I find I snap at people more often than I used to and then saying sorry even more than I used to which was a lot. 

Hopefully, there is still a Moodscoper reading and not totally confused who can relate to my dilemma.

Does anyone to relate to catching themselves not being the person they thought they were?

Does anyone have a way to go back to their values and being more patient and understanding?


A Moodscope member 

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