
29 Aug 2020

I am hoping to move house soon and have been sorting through stuff to try and whittle down all the gubbins I have accumulated over the years.

I found a poem that I wrote some years ago, but it still rings true at times.


Sitting in dappled shade

A strong breeze moves the trees

Casting a million patterns of light

on the grass before me.

I would like to read

I would like to write

and yet you bring me to sleep.

Is this why I am seldom still?

For when I am, you bring me to sleep.

My mind is filled with words and

yet I find it so hard to speak or write.

The sky above me is blue as blue.

Of what am I afraid?

How can I rest in who I am?

Help me to find the happy child in me.

I’m still inclined to fall asleep if I sit still for too long, but I allow myself that rest, in the knowledge that what I have achieved that day will suffice.

However, it means that I get behind with following all the wonderful comments that come with the daily blog.  I just run out of time.

The sky above me is still blue as blue today and it is becoming easier to find the happy child in me.

I hope all the dear Moodscopers will be able to spend time with their ‘happy child within’

Waves and smiles to all.  Love,

Another Sally xx

A Moodscope member.

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