
16 Jul 2023

I might be a little late to the Bingo party, but I’m here now.  My granny couldn’t see the enjoyment of Bingo and yet she’d tag along, eager for connection.  I admired her greatly for that.   

The way I am using Bingo in my life is as a little mental health tool.  I am spending a great deal of time with my parents since my dad had a stroke.  My dad is easy to be around, he loves a laugh, he is charmed by small things, loves a slice of cake, and he goes with the flow.  My mum is not easy to be around.  She picks faults in even the loveliest situations and, by spending more time with her, I have realised how my only way to properly cope with this is through silence.  Her sarcasm and negativity do not merit a reply.  But still it hurts. 

So, Bingo!  I’d like to share the technique in case it helps you deal with a similar situation.  Before meeting, I make a short mental list of how she will bring me down. 

Sarcasm tick 

Negativity tick 

Jealousy tick 

They have it easier tick 

Living with your dad is not easy tick 

The martyr tick 

The passive aggressive tick, tick, tick 

And it’s off to Bingo we go.  As she rolls out the punches, I stamp my Bingo card.  It has helped me to find a coping space in a delicate situation.  If you have a similar difficulty to deal with, I hope this might help you to view it slightly differently. 

Love from 

The room above the garage 

A Moodscope member

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