
23 Oct 2023

Serendipity is defined (via Google) as, “the faculty of making fortunate discoveries by accident.”  I rather like the idea that this could be a ‘faculty’ that one could develop!

‘Bookendipity,’ is a word invented for this book… although I see it being used on the Internet. My meaning is when the right book ‘finds’ you. It’s a bit like when a Teddy Bear ‘chooses’ you – a belief held by Arctophiles.

It is when some things are just 'meant' to be...

I discovered' a gem of a book on a visit to Julia's House Book Room at Creekmoor. Julia’s House is a Children’s Hospice which we love to support. The book, “A Simpler Life,” was on the top of the pile, ready on the table near my favourite nesting spot on the leather library sofa...

As soon as I saw that the publisher was, "The School of Life" - I knew it would be well written, and exquisitely thought through... and my expectations have been met (and exceeded!)

It starts with 'Simpler Relationships'

continues with 'A Simpler Social Life'

then the expected 'A Simpler Lifestyle' - but not just chucking stuff out or recycling it...

Onwards to 'Work and Simplicity'

'Culture and Simplicity'

and a most uplifting 'Conclusion'

If you'd like "A guide to greater serenity, ease and clarity," this is a great place to start the next chapter of your life.

 What I would LOVE to know is your own ‘Bookendipity’ story. Perhaps someone sent you just the right book at the right time. Or maybe a title jumped out at you at an ideal moment. Would you share with us one of your book stories?


A Moodscope member

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